Friday, March 15, 2013

We are going to catch him...

For our family project for this month we had to create a trap to catch Lucky the Leprechaun.  The kids were so excited about this project.  Every night they kept asking can we make it today, can we make it today, can we make it today so finally on Sunday afternoon we did just that.  We put on thinking caps on and we sat down and we worked on our traps.  They kept coming up with all these stores about what kind of trap they wanted to make and how it would trap that crazy thing.  It was sooo cute!  They have to bring it to school and share with their friends.  Sweet!


This past weekend I took 6 students to the DECA State Career Development Conference.  We left Thursday and we came home Saturday.  At the event the students have to compete in different competitive events that deal with marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, etc...  They did GREAT we ended up coming home with 3 winners - now we are headed to Anaheim, CA for International Competition in April.  These students make me so proud.  Way to go and way to represent CHHS!

Happy 5th Birthday Matthew!

Happy 5th Birthday Matthew!  Blakely and Drew were so excited to go to Matthew's Birthday Party.  They couldn't wait.  Matthew had is birthday party at an indoor baseball place.  Of course, right up Matthew's aisle!  He was so excited and it was so cute.  They played games for about an hour and then they had food and presents.  It was a great party and now for a little while at least all three are 5 years old!


Back to HHI! YEAH!

For the February break we headed back to HHI to see Mom and Dad.  We were so excited.  A week with no plans was wonderful.  We slept in, we ate, we shopped, we played on the beach, we road bikes and scooters, we watched TV, went to the children's museum and we just overall had an AWESOME time.  Thank you Mom and Dad!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

For Valentine's Day since we went to the circus we really didn't get the kids much.  Actually I just have them a few things we had bought on clearance after Valentine's Day last year.  They don't know and they loved it all the same.  We met Quinn a few days before Valentine's and she gave the kids the crazy straws.  They LOVED them.  I think they must have drank at least a gallon of water playing with those straws.  It is amazing somebody didn't have an accident in the night! ha ha  I totally forgot to take a picture of their school valentine's this year.  Oh well - Blakely gave notepads and pencils to the girls with a note that said "You are write for me!"  She gave the boys Bonka Zonks that said "You make me go Bonka Zonk!"  Drew gave the girls Lego Jewelry and he gave the boys Lego Cars - his said "You are friend I don't want to ever LEGO of!"

It was a great day!