Today was Flip Flop day at Brighten. It is National Charter School Week and so Thursday they got to where flip flops to show that they "flip" for Brighten. Blakely was SO excited. She couldn't wait and of course she pick out the most gaudy pair of flip flops she has. She was so proud so whatever I let her wear them. Drew on the other hand wasn't quite as excited. He had a little trouble walking in flip flops. He practiced on Wednesday night walking around the house and he just couldn't decide which flip flops he would wear so I had him lay them both out with his clothes and I told him he could decide in the morning. In the morning he was still not to happy about wearing them. He wanted to wear them because he knew everyone else would but he really didn't want to wear them because he doesn't like walking him. So finally he decided to wear the light-up flip flops. When we got to school he jump out sighing. I went and drove around the car pool circle and when I got back to where I had dropped him off I think he had only taken like 10 steps. It was the funnest sight. He looked like a 90 year old man scooting his feet along. Poor thing. I called Phillip and I said be prepared the school is probably going to call and tell you Drew needs different shoes or they are going to call say he was tardy to school because at the rate he was walking it didn't look like he was going to make it to his classroom door by 8 o'clock. That kid cracks me up. I love him sooooo much!
By: Melissa
10 years ago
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