I got a new camera for Christmas, I got a new camera for Christmas, I got a new camera for Christmas!!! Can you tell I am REALLY excited! I have always wanted a nice, "fancy" camera and now I am finally the owner of one. I got a new Canon DSLR and it is wonderful. Now - I really don't know tooooo much about it yet but I can't wait to learn. I think it will be a lot of fun. Right now I have just been playing and I think I have taken a picture of everything in my house. As I already said I can't wait to learn more about! Thank you Mom and Dad - I LOVE it! So above are a few of my first pictures - I think for just turning it on a shooting they turned out pretty good. Can't wait to see what else this thing will do! I'm SO excited! I have a feeling my kids are going to get sick of me taking pictures.
By: Melissa
10 years ago
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