Yesterday the Twins went on their first field trip and they had so much fun and I was lucky enough to be able to attend as well. We left for the field trip at about 9am on a school bus! They were so excited about this. They have always wanted to ride on a school bus and this was their first time and they were smiling from ear to ear when I got on the bus. It was SO sweet! Once we all loaded the bus we headed to Villa Rica to the Pumpkin Patch. It was a great day. It was quite chilly outside so the kiddos (and adults) had to be all bundled up. When we got to the patch they divided us into groups and we went to complete the different activities. It was a lot of fun! Our first activity was a nature walk. The kids loved this. As we walked through the forest the leader had the students look for different animals. They loved trying to find them and they were actually pretty good at it. When we got to the deer - Drew said I know what that is - a buck because it has horns! Papa should be proud - he taught him something. After the nature walk they got to play on the playground for a little while and then we panned for gems. This was really neat and most of the students haven't done this before so they thought it was great. After the panning we headed over and made a class scarecrow. Each kid got to participate in making the scarecrow by putting hay in and then as a class they picked a head and gave it a name "Scary"! This was really cute. After that we headed on a hay ride to the pumpkin patch. Once at the pumpkin patch the kids got to get off and get a mini pumpkin. This was fun! Next we fed the animals. They had pigs, goats, chickens, etc... Some of the kids were a little apprehensive of the animals but for the most part they loved it. After this we walked back and played on the playground a while and then had lunch. Each kid got to bring their own sack lunch and that was really special. It was so cute to see them all open up their lunchboxes and see what they had. For most this was the first time they ever packed a lunch box so they loved this. It was funny to see them all check out what each other had. Most of the kids didn't seem to eat much as they were to busy looking around and looking at each other however my little munchers ate away. I actually could have packed them more than I did which was a lunchable with ham, cheese, crackers, a drink and a Butterfingers as well as a thing of string cheese and applesauce. They were SO hungry and had been asking about lunch since about 9:30am. I thought they just wanted their new lunchboxes but I guess they were a little hungry. After our picnic lunch we headed back to the bus and the back to the school. This was a great field trip. Thank you Sikes and everyone that had something to do with making this happen for the kiddos. They had a great time and these are the kind of thing the kids will remember. After being with all those pre-kers all day I can't imagine doing that. Those are some special people. We had 20 students from the Twins class go and that can be a handful but they managed very well. Again - thanks for everything and I can't wait until the next field trip.
By: Melissa
10 years ago
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