I REALLY, REALLY want to learn to sew but you know how it goes there is NO time! I can do the basics but I want to learn how to really sew. I have never had a lesson. I just bought a sewing machine and basically taught myself. I used to do some quilting on the machine and took a little class but that was about 8 years ago. Since then I have made a few things here and there like some pillowcase dresses, crayon holders, etc... but I would love to be able to sew more boutique looking clothes for the kiddos (I guess just Blakely - I don't know what I would make for Drew!?!) My Mom always says it's simple just get a pattern and do it - you sew fine but again there is never enough time to do the things you actually like or want to do so with that said I bought a pattern like forever ago, then I bought the fabric, and then it sat and sat and sat then one weekend we were headed to the lake so I brought it and thought I would knock it out there - yeah right again no time. I did get it cut out and got the main part sewed together but then we came home and it sat and sat and sat until TODAY! Today Dad took Drew to the hunting land (THANKS DAD!) so with him gone I knew it would be easier to try to attempt something like sewing so Blakely and I headed down to the basement and that is just what I did - I FINISHED the dress! This as you can tell has really been a work in progress but as you can see I think it turned out pretty cute and definitely boutiquish! Once we jazz it up with a winter colored shirt and some leggings or tights it will be OH SO CUTE! I am so glad I finally got it finished and now I can't wait to move on to something else. (Even if it takes forever!)
By: Melissa
10 years ago
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