Oh the lovely calendars! I decided this year I would once again make the beloved calendars. It always seems like a great idea until it gets down to the deadline. This year I decided that I would advertise a little bit and see if anyone else was interested in them. Boy did a get a big response. I really couldn't believe it. I ordered enough stuff to make 100 calendars and I sold over 100. I was scraping up coasters and supplies everywhere so I could to get done. Even after all that I didn't even get one for myself or for my department members which was one of the main reasons I was making them. Oh well - there is a always next year. I really do enjoy making them. I just wish I would plan ahead and not procrastinate but I guess that is the name of the game. Christmas is so busy and adding in making these calendars makes it even more busy. I am glad however that people like them and it gives me a chance to make a little extra $$ during the holiday season for all those presents that have to be bought. I think they are really cute and such a cute, homemade, creative gift. I know I would love to receive one so I am sure others would as well especially teachers. They go perfectly on our desk. Well, Thank You to every one that ordered this year and keep your eyes open for next year.
By: Melissa
10 years ago