Happy Memorial Day! Today we headed over to the Lester's house for an afternoon of fun! We swam and swam and swam and the kids loved it. They loved swimming with their cousins, they loved jumping of the side and mostly they loved jumping off the diving board after everyone finally did it. We didn't even let the rain run us in. We just swam in the rain. The kids thought that was so funny. I mean we were already soaking wet - what difference did it make and the kids were having ball. We also had a yummy dinner complete with hamburgers, beans, salad, tater tots, etc... It was all so good. I also made my Strawberry Trifle again because with fresh delicious strawberries I didn't want them to go to waste. It was so good. After we ate we went and swam again until finally we had to just make the kiddos get out. It was a great day and it is so great to see the Twins play so nicely with their cousins. I know I say this all the time but I am so glad that they have such wonderful cousins to grow up with up. Thanks Grammy and Pa for having us over - can't wait to do it again! Let summer begin.....
By: Melissa
10 years ago